IVR Customer Success Story for Cable Services Provider

In 2003, one of the largest Canadian Cable Services providers approached NuVoxx to develop and automated hosted Interactive Voice Response (IVR) solution to measure customer satisfaction on an ongoing basis. The client was looking for a cost effective and scalable solution to sample a statistically significant and representative number of customer in each of their service segments, on a monthly basis. With over 350,000 calls and store visits and 30,000 technician appointments each month across multiple provinces, divisions, services, in-house and outsourced staff – this seemed like a difficult task to perform. Focus groups and agent-based customer surveys were just too expensive and too slow to meet the need. The client’s live agent team, which was performing customer satisfaction surveys at the time, was falling behind and could not consistently deliver the targeted number of responses by segment.

The NuVoxx customer satisfaction survey solution

After an initial discovery consultation to understand our client’s business needs and detailed requirements, the NuVoxx team put together a comprehensive automated IVR customer satisfaction survey solution to deliver the results our client needed on monthly basis – to measure customer satisfaction with the service they provide.

Each day, the client uploads a data file to NuVoxx, containing all customer interactions for the previous day. The file includes customer interactions for call center calls, store walk-ins and technician visits. From the daily data files posted to NuVoxx, totalling around 15,000 interactions per day, NuVoxx selects a representative sample to provide a cross-section of customer surveys based on:

  • Province
  • Service Group
  • Interaction Reason
  • Employee / Agent

Together with the client, NuVoxx sets monthly goals for number of completed surveys for each of these dimensions. Based on data provided in the daily file, success ratio and completion ratio, our selection algorithm targets appropriate number of leads by  dimension to be called each day. This is repeated each day throughout the month and adjusted according to client requirements and the mix of data NuVoxx receives. The end result is a sample overview of customer interactions which have enabled our client to track performance of their teams in each of the groups and the overall customer satisfaction score.

In addition to quantitative feedback captured through the automated hosted Interactive Voice Response (IVR) customer satisfaction survey, each surveyed customers is asked whether they would like to leave verbal feedback, which is then recorded and provided to individual groups to review and act on.

Along with the automated IVR customer survey solution, NuVoxx created a ticketing system to allow the client’s customer service teams to track and workflow any service issues flagged through the customer satisfaction survey process. During the course of the Automated IVR Customer Satisfaction survey, customers can indicate whether they would like a callback and whether their interaction with our client’s customer service team was unsuccessful. If either of these scenarios is true, a ticket is opened in the ticketing system created and hosted by NuVoxx and assigned to the appropriate department on our client’s side.

Following this process the client has ensured that any outstanding customer service issues identified through the customer satisfaction survey are rapidly addressed. For example, if a cable modem was not installed properly and the customer does not have internet access, the NuVoxx automated IVR customer satisfaction survey will pick this up and notify the client’s technical team.


Initially, when the client switched the CSAT survey from live agents to the fully automated hosted IVR customer satisfaction survey, they realized savings of over 80%. In addition to just savings, NuVoxx provided a scalable and automated yet flexible hosted IVR solution which produces statistics and hard data that have become an integral part of our client’s customer engagement strategy. A testament to the program’s success is that the CSAT survey has been running uninterruptedly since the inception in 2003.